coerência da (((nato)))

1- a questão do kosovo não é clara, e não é por kosovo ser palavra de origem sérvia que fica tudo claro por causa disso, visto não ser claro se antigamente o kosovo “sempre foi sérvio” ou se pertenceu aos ilírios antepassados dos Albaneses

2- dito isto, gente de etnicidade não-albanesa e não-sérvia, turcos, etc, deve ser expulsa do kosovo ontem. é uma disputa exclusivamente entre albaneses e sérvios. ponto.

3- áreas do kosovo de maioria sérvia devem ser imediatamente integradas no estado sérvio e deixar de pertencer ao kosovo. incluo aqui talvez áreas que não eram dos albaneses/ilírios na antiguidade e passaram a ser devido a abusos.

4- se todo o problema da Rússia fosse querer as províncias de Lugansk e Donetsk, onde há uma % elevada de Russos, compreendia-se. o problema é que estão a anos-luz de ficar só por aí. mas quem, como a (((nato))) quis a separação do kosovo, não podia agora deixar de aceitar o mesmo para estas províncias.

preso por ajudar pobres

Slovakian NS Leader Has Prison Sentence Dismissed

Marian Kotleba is the leader of the pro-National Socialist “People’s Party – Our Slovakia” (LSNS). It placed 4th in Slovakia’s February 2020 election with 8% of the vote, winning 14 out of 150 seats in parliament & making it the 4th strongest party in the country.

In March 2017, Kotleba, on behalf of the LSNS, presented three Slovakian families living in poverty each with checks for 1,488 Euros ($1,633) as a charitable donation. He was subsequently arrested for illegal use of “neo-Nazi” symbols because of the amount of the checks – 1488 – is recognized as National Socialist shorthand for the 14 Words & for “Heil Hitler!” He was sentenced to four years & four months in prison.

This week, an appeals court dismissed the prison time. In its place, Kotleba received a six-month suspended sentence. He plans to appeal his conviction further to the Slovakian supreme court. If the appeal fails, he will lose his seat in parliament.

So, let’s get this straight: Marian Kotleba is being punished for giving poor people a total of $4,900 in charitable donations because the number “1488” offends the jews (& their puppets).


faz lembrar quando há uns anos prendiam membros da Aurora Dourada na Grécia por andarem a alimentar e oferecer sopa a pobres e carenciados, com o argumento de que eram as “sopas do ódio”.

nova khazaria parte II

>In early March, the authoritative Russian sinologist Andrey Petrovich Devyatov wrote an article where he deciphered the symbols of the Russian “military operation” – Z and V. “Hasidim use the language of Yiddish (European Ashkenazi jews). In Yiddish, Zion is read Zion. And deliverance is Zig or Victoria. That is, the Latin letters Z; V on the HRV technique can be interpreted as bearing the “Victory of Zion”.” – explained the former Soviet intelligence officer.

>Devyatov cites a number of facts: “In 2017, a well-informed figure of the Sons of the Covenant, Igor Berkut, according to the Covenant of the Almighty, highlighted the idea of creating a new jewish state with the conditional name “Heavenly Jerusalem” (New Khazaria) in five coastal regions of Ukraine (historical Novorossiya), where in 2022-2027 there will be a mass resettlement of jews from israel and Europe. Approximately 7,000 heads of local civil administrations have been trained from Russian-speaking repatriates to manage the New Khazaria in israel. Prime Minister of israel N. Benet called Russian President Putin three times from 02/24/12, visited Moscow personally on 03/05/12, and then developed diplomatic activity on the subject of settling jewish communities in Ukraine, which will be after the end of the conflict.”