o pior do mundo

Covid-19. Portugal é o país do mundo com mais casos por milhão de habitantes e o 2.º em mortes (pior só o Reino Unido).

está tudo bem goyim! tens que ir votar e covidar-te todo. e quem não pinta os lábios de vermelho é anti-democrático…olé!

(((controvérsia))) na Bulgária

Controversy erupts over ‘ethno’ lectures by visiting professor at Bulgaria’s Sofia University

The Organization of the jews in Bulgaria “Shalom”, the country’s national co-ordinator against antisemitism and the Sofia University Students’ Society for Equality all have sharply condemned the content of lectures by a visiting professor at the university.

Professor Mihail Mirchev posted his series of online lectures on YouTube, leading Shalom to condemn what it called their racist, xenophobic and antisemitic content.

The videos posted by Mirchev show him speaking of “gypsies” having criminal tendencies, describing Bulgaria’s ethnic Turkish minority as being backward and having a “warlike mentality” and saying that refugees from Arab countries do not belong in a modern civilisation. Pakistanis and Afghans, he says, have “primitive cultural norms from the seventh century”.

In a lecture, he describes refugees from Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Africa as “deeply uneducated,” “incapable of learning, of having value for learning” and “fit only for some very primitive manual labour.”


as contradições da I”L”

o Hitler e o (((guevara))) são maus, mas bandeiras do “livre” tá-se bem? (não são “colectivistas”?)

um dos slogans diz “menos colectivismos. mais liberdade. mais tolerância. mais individualidade.” mas um seu outdoor diz “contribuintes de todo o país, uni-vos”??? portanto, marxismo e colectivismo num só.

iniciativa (pseudo)”liberal” da treta…